Flow Sheet For Adoption Of Diptube & Float In D.C. Casting.

Diptube & Floats Are Two Important Refractory Consumables Which Helps To Improve Surface Finish Of The Billets.

Adjust The Gap Between Distribution Pan And Mould Table For Easy Placement Of Float.

Pre Heat The Float.

Adjust The Control Plug “Dip Tube” For Initial Flow Of Liquid Metal In To The Mould.

Open The Tapping Spout Of Furnace To Initiate The Process.

As Soon As The Process Starts And Initial Built Up Of Liquid Pool, ,Insert The Pre Heated Float.(It Will Float On The Liquid Metal And It Should Be Between Diptube & Liquid Metal).

Adjust The Float To Center Of The Diptube.

Adjust The Control Plug For Constant And Uniform Flow Of Liquid Metal.

At The End Of The Flow Close The Tapping Spout Of The Furnace.

Tighten Up Control Plug.

Ensure The Float Is Removed Before The Solidification Of Billet.

Repeat The Same Procedure.

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is Available on Request

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